Saturday, January 1, 2011

To My Heavenly Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit

This is a start of a new year for me, 2011. I ask for you blessing. I thank you for allowing me to live up until this point. Please help me and strengthen me to accept Your Will. May ever second of this year be filled with your grace, love and light. I unite my heart to Your Heart Dear God. Please teach me patience and kindness. I thank you for my life that you have given me. For the family that I was born into. For the people that I have met in my life.

Please bless my work both paid and unpaid. Please help me accept the duties and responsibility of my job. Help me carry the crosses of our customers. Please shine your light upon my coworkers , supervisors and managers.

Please enfold my family and love ones in  your love Dear God. Please bring us back to  your Side with your mercy.

For the souls of my love ones, especially Mama Nena, Lolo Dave, Lolo Manuel, Lolo Manolo, Tita Edith , Tita Salin, Margo and Jessica,  eternal rest grant unto them , Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Merciful Jesus, please grant them eternal rest. Amen.

To the Blessed Mother and all the Angels and Saints up in Heaven - I thank you so much for your intercession. For the Faitful in Purgatory, may you find your way back to Home through God's Mercy. Please pray for us here on Earth , Heaven Triumphant and Church in Purgatory. Thank you.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I don't go about attacking Atheists

If that is your position then, let's just co-exist.That does not make you a better person than I, and vice versa.

It bothers me that they set up ads attacking religion. That they celebrate reason. Then please, go celebrate your reasons. But please respect what we observe and our reasons or reason - Christ.

And just for information, Catholics do celebrate Reason. Our Faith intersects with Reason.Our Magesterium are very well-educated and hold degrees in field of Philisophy, I don't think you can't find a more credible bunch when it comes to celebrating Reason.

There is another ad that states something in the likes of " There are a lot of good people without God." or something like that. I agree with that completely. But again, you have to attack those who does not share the same belief as you - for what purpose? I don't think that is a "good thing" to say. There are a lot of good people, regardless of what their beliefs or non-beliefs are.

So to Atheists, may Reason Bless You. ;-D

Rejoice Emmanuel

Shall come to aid of Israel :)

I think it's so great that Catholics do not only have Christmas to celebrate the holiday. We have a whole month to prepare for it and we call it the Advent Season. We set up an Advent Wreath of Evergreen and we mount 4 candles , 3 purple candles and 1 pink candle. Each candle represents a Sunday before Christmas, and each Sunday a candle is lit. Advent season is also a time of penance. In a way, we see our souls as a manger ready to receive Christ when he comes.

Earlier this month Hanukkah was celebrated. It was so great that during Mass, our parish included a prayer for our Jewish brothers and sisters as they celebrate Hanukkah. I might be silly but I remember being so excited about that week and whenever I pray, I would say to Christ and the Blessed Mother - "Happy Hanukkah", because they are Jewish you know :D . I just want to share in their celebration of it.

I don't see why there should be any tensions at all between Christians and Jewish people. The Catholic Church was founded by a Jew :). Our first Pope Peter, was a Jewish fisherman. We adore our beautiful Jewish Lady in the form of the Blessed Mother.  :) Anyway...

Blessed Advent :) Merry Christmas :) Happy Hanukkah :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Your Child- your Other Choice

It's bizzare how a few tweaked words change the impact it has on some people. I am called an "anti-choice", because I defend the helpless unborn.

Why not say it as it is, ok? I am anti-abortion, not anti-choice. If I were anti-choice then I will be against BOTH the choices of the child and abortion, which is also apathy. I support choices but not all of the choices. Abortion is not the only choice.

It must be my Catholic education but even when I was shoved in the secular world and heard about the Woman's Choice because what they really are , are Pro-Abortion or Pro-death-to-the-unborn. I thought the education that I had about the teachings of the Church has left me but it got awakened when in a college class, abortion was talked about like it was the next donut shop.

So from Mass today, I picked up a literature that states: Choice? Or Child?It has a developing human fetus at the front. This was put together by Right To Life Education Fund.

Abortion Myths

Myth: Abortion is only legal through the first trimester.

Fact: Due to the radical scope of Roe V. Wade and Doe V. Bolton, abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy.

Fact: Over 77,000 abortions take place every year in the United States after the sixteenth week of pregnancy.

Myth: Women really need abortion for health reasons.

Fact: An Alan Guttmacher Institute servey found that nearly one-half of women obtaining abortion said they used no birth control method during the month they got pregnant.

Fact: Add to this the fact that, at most, only seven percent of all abortions are done for the mother's physical or psychological health. Rape and incest are cited as reasons for less than 1% of all abortions.

Fact: Nationally, 82% of women obtaining abortions are unmarried. The statistics strongly suggest abortion is used as birth control.

Myth: No one knows when human life begins.

Fact: The California Medical Association referred to "the scientific fact, which everyone really knows, that human life begins at conception and is continous whether intra-or extra-uterine until death."

Myth: Abortion is an unfortunate neccesity and doesn't happen often.

FACT: 1.6 million abortions take place each year in the United States. Nearly one in three pregnancies ends in abortion.

Myth: We need abortion to reduce child abuse.Wanted children will not become abused children.

Fact: Abortion has done nothing to reduce child abuse. Child abuse increased 500% from 1973, the year abortion was legalized through out the United States.

Myth: The typical abortive woman is a poor, black teen.

Fact: Two-thirds of women getting abortions are between the ages of 20 and 24. Sixty-eigh percent are white. And two-thirds have an annual income of over $11,000.

Hate me if you must. I am here to defend the helpless unborn.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Prayer of Saint Gertrude The Great

It has been revealed by God to Saint Gertrude that by saying this prayer (not in vain) from within your heart and your soul that belongs to God , 1,000 souls will be released from Purgatory and back into the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.

 Prayer of Saint Gertrude The Great

"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shakira and her dance move

I saw it for a second but I think I just saw her incorporate the sign of the cross in her dance "Loca" in dancing with the stars. I'm amused for now. Don't know what to make of it :)

I mean, I love dance. Will this be the closest I could witness the sign of the cross on a popular tv show? :D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Lady of Fatima

A few weeks ago, my friends and I did a yard sale and one of them was selling a framed print of Our Lady of Fatima. I immediately recognized it.

"That's Our Lady of Fatima." , I explained to my friend who was selling it. She said she couldn't remember where she got it from. I explained to her what little I know about it - how she appeared to three peasant children in Portugal in 1917 (that was the year my Grandpa was born).

While I was listening to Immaculate Heart radio today, I came upon Our Lady of Fatima and they say that today 10-13-10, marks the anniversary of one of the apparition events when thousands of people witnessed the sun dancing.

I did not know this as well - The Blessed Mother's Lady of Fatima image is highly respected by alot of Muslim Countries. How ironic when Protestants and other Christians seem to stumble upon the Catholic's devotion of her. According to what I've heard, Fatima is Muhammad's favorite daughter and Muhammad has said that the second greatest woman in Heaven, next to Mary is his daughter Fatima.

But Mary is not part of the Blessed Trinity - and most Muslims think that she is a part of the Blessed Trinity.

The town of Fatima in Portugal was named after a princess whos name was Fatima (and she was a Muslim, became a Catholic and acquired a Christian name). She married a prince but she died after a short time. The Prince never got over her death and has asked to move her remains to what is now called Fatima. I don't know the whole story but that is what I have gathered. I came across Fr Ladis J. Cizik Our Lady and Islam as well. It is a good read and it is fascinating.

The Blessed Mother is also called the Queen of Peace. This is no coincidence that she has revealed herself in Fatima. I pray that with her intercession, we all could find Peace. How amazing it is to know that despite the difference, there are Muslims who respect you. I pray that with your message of hope and peace, it will also enlighten the minds of those who try to justify terrorism because of their religious beliefs. God has a plan and I pray that God use me to fulfill that plan. I pray for hope and peace to shine upon the hearts of minds of terrorists. Thank you Blessed Mother for your intercession.

Blessed Mother, please pray for us.